Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Life is about contrasts

Ever wondered how something means one thing, and it's equally its opposite meaning too?

Like a long break can still be short
A silly joke can still be witty
A happy occasion can still be sad
An annoying event can still be funny
A lost friend can still be as good as never lost
A tiring journey can still be fun
A reality can still be a dream
A freaky coincidence can still be nice
An unexpected comeback can still be expected
A forgotten figure can still be remembered
A dark room can still be lit as your eyes adjust
An old season can still be new
A decision to not intervene can still be an intervention
A silent conversation can still say alot
An audience who listens can still be oblivious to your real message

Isn't it wonderful how our grey matter does the thinking? The fact that we can contrast things allows us to carry out an analysis of extremes and then make the 'true' decision for ourselves. Therefore, there is one thing that has just one meaning : The Truth. You cannot lie about something and still be saying the truth. So if there is one person who can be honest with yourself its YOU. So long as YOU know what the truth is, based on this YOU can make the decision and justify yourself...and the world will listen.

Happy Honesty Day!*
And since life is about contrasts, this post is 4 days late and it can still be 361 days early!

*M. Hirsh Goldberg founded National Honesty Day in the early 1990′s and established April 30th as the day, in order to end the month “on a higher moral note” since we start the month with April Fool’s Day, a day of spoofs and lying.

Saturday, 10 April 2010

All over a Cuppa Coffee...

Of the several things I like
From watching a movie to riding a bike
There's one thing that has always been fun
And that's a cuppa coffee with a friend even though there's not much done

I guess everything has its own time and mood
Sometimes its good music, sometimes good food
Or more happening outings like visiting a new place
Or equally, sipping on refreshing coffee whilst conversing with a familiar face

My coffee meet ups have always been interesting
They range from light hearted talk and reminiscing
To some serious, intense issues and life's mysteries
and even though the cuppa coffee's over, this isn't true for the stories

I'm sure I have upp'd the coffee houses' sales,
But in return I've acknowledged the beauty of telling tales
And by that I don't mean small talk or gossip
Although some of the latter is allowed, with every odd, alternative sip

I have gotten to know people by allowing them to speak
By letting them express themselves and talking about their week
And it slowly becomes a dialogue after I've done my listening
where we share opinions and the conversation continues rolling

And, without saying much, there has to be something funny to see
Funky music or talking over the vacuum's noise, or a couple spilling their coffee
Amidst the talks the uncontrollable laughter sweeps in
Making this another memory to blame on the coffee spin

So whether its sharing life's experiences and encounters
And relating to the lives of one another
And in the process getting myself to better understand 'Me'
It's all worth over a cuppa coffee...

Saturday, 20 February 2010

It's Complicated!

Avoid trying to dazzle your audience with impressive looking equations or complicated lines of reasoning!

In search for being different
and being the exceptional one
We sometimes forget ourselves
and try to be the other person

It's true that the world judges you
and majority go by first impressions
But that doesn't mean you need to
put on a mask to hide your expressions

You are who you are
live up to it and don't feel ashamed
It doesn't matter what the world thinks
just don't go around being blamed

Being yourself will be easy
as you don't have to keep remembering
When to act or be yourself
and things will be smoothly flowing

At times what happens with us
is that we complicate matters for ourselves
We find that the world is at a such a speed
that no-one will remember a norm self

We strive to be people we are not
we want the good of both sides
We want to be the ones who win
but we cannot change our insides

In doing so, the essence
of diversity is sadly lost
A meaningless effort to impress only lasts
for as long as you can keep your fingers crossed!

So be the person you were born to be
and don't complicate things people
Your time is limited so don't waste your entire life
instead keep things Sweet & Simple...:-)

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Looking for a place...

As the flurries float in the air

And settle lightly on the ground

I stick my hand out through the window

It feels so magical, without any background sound

By now the green grass is covered
And the earth sleeps beneath a blanket of snow

The air is fresh and silent

With nature's beauty at its peak flow

I absorb the view slowly

And the child inside me smiles

I like such moments to be honest

Where one gets to look outside their busy lifestyles

A pigeon lands on a disant tree

But quickly flies away

I think to myself it must be cold

For otherwise it would stay

It flies to the top and repeats its action

Realising the tree is the same everywhere

But this time it's determined to make its place

And doesn't leave in despair

It cleverly scrapes off abit of snow

And then some more with its feet

And once it has made its own space of comfort

I know it hasn't accepted defeat

So you might think I'm abit tipsy

Analysing a bird's doings

I have to admit when I thought of all this

Even I was assured I could do with some reality meetings

But what I realised was thankfully sane

And I felt quite philosophical

I found myself putting pieces together

To make everything seem logical

And I understood that the pigeon had left me

With a vital lesson to learn from

A place doesn't exist on its own in a difficult surrounding

We need to make our own room therefrom

It applies to life and its downs

Where sometimes we're forced outside our comfort zone

It's up to us to blend in and adjust

By taking an action to combat being thrown

Okay...I also know flurries may not be that exciting for some

But let's create our own magic

Life's too short to rely on just big things

To make it ecstatic or tragic

So the point is appreciation can start
At a very tiny moment in your life

It's your positive outlook on things that matters

And life will seem less of a strife...