Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Life is about contrasts

Ever wondered how something means one thing, and it's equally its opposite meaning too?

Like a long break can still be short
A silly joke can still be witty
A happy occasion can still be sad
An annoying event can still be funny
A lost friend can still be as good as never lost
A tiring journey can still be fun
A reality can still be a dream
A freaky coincidence can still be nice
An unexpected comeback can still be expected
A forgotten figure can still be remembered
A dark room can still be lit as your eyes adjust
An old season can still be new
A decision to not intervene can still be an intervention
A silent conversation can still say alot
An audience who listens can still be oblivious to your real message

Isn't it wonderful how our grey matter does the thinking? The fact that we can contrast things allows us to carry out an analysis of extremes and then make the 'true' decision for ourselves. Therefore, there is one thing that has just one meaning : The Truth. You cannot lie about something and still be saying the truth. So if there is one person who can be honest with yourself its YOU. So long as YOU know what the truth is, based on this YOU can make the decision and justify yourself...and the world will listen.

Happy Honesty Day!*
And since life is about contrasts, this post is 4 days late and it can still be 361 days early!

*M. Hirsh Goldberg founded National Honesty Day in the early 1990′s and established April 30th as the day, in order to end the month “on a higher moral note” since we start the month with April Fool’s Day, a day of spoofs and lying.