Sunday, 18 March 2012

Live well. Love much. Laugh Often.

Live for yourself, they say
do the things that please you
Easily said than done, you may think
But time to find a new you

It's funny how one morning you get up,
And get overtaken by a sudden positivity
And life has taught me something special
Only until more recently

I wonder sometimes how we let go of the present
and think about things so unreal
I wonder sometimes how we wonder what the world thinks
and to them what does or doesn't appeal

They say people find varied topics of interest
to converse over as they let their time pass
So today it might be you...tomorrow it'll be another
you surely won't be their topic to forever last

Besides the world seldom tells you the truth on your face
then why do you want to go around pleasing them?
Do the things that make you happy
And treat yourself like a rare gem

Remember, you live your life just once
So it's your only shot at pampering yourself
Love yourself more than anyone else does
Spread joy around you and make peace with your inner self

See life through the eyes you want to see
And that, is the key to happiness
Don't be forced to look in the world's line of vision
And that, is the key to success

So all the keys are really in your hands
Don't go around complaining about a change of locks
Live well, love much, laugh often
because in all honesty, life rocks! :D

Happy Living people!